
"You are allowed to disagree with your body."

About Stephanie Wood


  • PCC (Professional Certified Coach through 
the International Coach Federation)
  • Certified Coachville Mentor Coach
  • Certified Inspired Professional Coach
  • Master Fitness by Phone Coach
  • Certified Intuitive Eating Coach
  • Certified Teleclass Leader Coach
  • Certified Law of Attraction Practioner
  • ILCT (Institute for Life Coach Training) Certified Wellness Coach


  • B.F.A. Syracuse University. NewHouse School of Communications and School of Drama/Film
  • ACE Certified Personal Trainer
  • Coach University Graduate
  • Summer Stock and Musical Theatre 
Choreography and performer
  • President-Aerobic Tempo for 4 years. 
(An Aerobics company with over 25 instructors 
and 50 locations in Central New Jersey.)
  • Manager and Group Fitness Professional/Director 
for a major Health Club (45,000 sq. feet 
inclusive of 2 dance/fitness studios) (11 years).

Dancing through Entrepreneurship: The Unparalleled Journey of Coach Stephanie Wood

“I am a Dancer.

Movement of any sort creates Clarity-Serenity-Joy-Exhilaration-Inspiration”

So, what does being a Dancer have to do with creating, managing and owning several profitable businesses? Let us start from the beginning.

From Broadway to Boardrooms: A Dance of Creativity and Business Acumen

Stephanie’s path as a dancer and choreographer has equipped her to create, manage, and own several profitable businesses. Choreographing various dances gave Stephanie a creative roadmap to infuse new entrepreneurial businesses with innovative strategies for success. This experience gives her clients access to practical tools and techniques to help their businesses and lifestyles thrive.

Stephanie is a dynamic and passionate entrepreneur who empowers fellow business owners to thrive with confidence and a profound connection to their bodies’ intelligence. With a unique blend of business experience and The Body Knowledge System® practices, she has become a guiding force for countless entrepreneurs seeking growth and success.

The result is an approach to business coaching that empowers the client rather than simply educating them in business skills.

Unlocking Entrepreneurial Styles: The Heart of Stephanie’s Approach

One way Stephanie’s clients are empowered is by learning how they function best at work, at home, in relationships and everything in between. In The Body Knowledge System®, these modes of functioning are called “Styles.” As an entrepreneur befriends her body and learns her styles, she begins to dance her own unique steps to her style, creating a lightness to the business challenges that come her way. It is an entrepreneur’s style and the way she dances to it that creates inspiration within her business and thus, an inspiring product. 

Through workshops, coaching, mindful strategies, and a podcast, Stephanie has cultivated a community of like-minded individuals, inspiring them to tap into their inner strength and intuition while navigating the challenges of business.

Stephanie’s Signature Approach

Stephanie’s background as a dancer and choreographer on the New York Broadway stage, coupled with insights from her father’s business endeavors, positions her uniquely as a Coach. Stephanie has the privilege of using her creativity and business sense to coach her entrepreneurial clients to use their talents in the business world with confidence

Her dedication to fostering a harmonious balance between creativity and business sense has led to transformative results and a lasting impact on those she mentors. Her ability to translate creative instincts into effective business strategies has been honed at the dinner table, creating a coaching style that is not just about profit margins, but also about fostering a deep connection between mind, body, and business.

It’s about infusing a sense of lightness into the often-daunting world of business—a reminder that success is not just about strategies and numbers and also about enjoying the dance along the way

The Body Knowledge Entrepreneur Emerges

From this unique blend of experience, the Body Knowledge Entrepreneur emerges—a concept where business is not just about profit and loss but about understanding oneself, embracing individual styles, and thriving in the dance of entrepreneurship.

Stephanie invites entrepreneurs to enjoy and relish the evolution of their business and the ‘you’ in you.

Stephanie’s unwavering commitment to coaching others to unlock their potential has made her a beacon of inspiration in the entrepreneurial world. Her mission is clear: to help her clients tap into their bodies’ confidence, enabling them to share their entrepreneurial talents with the world.

As her clients get to know their bodies, they tap into a source of inner wisdom and strength they had lost. The result is not only an improved relationship with their bodies, but a sense of confidence and direction that shapes her clients as entrepreneurs, thereby shaping their businesses as well.

From this The Body Knowledge System® was born. Enjoy and relish as your Business and the ‘you’ in you evolves.

Dancing into a Thriving Business and Life

For those of you ready to embark on your entrepreneurial journey, Stephanie offers a tantalizing start—The OASIS Entrepreneurial Assessment which unlocks your entrepreneurial style.

Coach Stephanie


Let me coach you to tap into your Body Knowledge that is unique to you.

Grow a lucrative business that aligns with who you are.

Use your personal style as a shortcut to peace and profit.


Schedule your NO cost exploratory coaching conversation below.

Let the Dance Begin!

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The Body Awareness Assessment© is your starting point to a system that will help you feel fabulous and inspire you to make a life-long commitment to maintaining that feeling.

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