
"Allow your Body’s wisdom to take center stage in your dance of life."

Body Awe begins with Body Knowledge…

Body Knowledge System along with the book “The Body Knowledge System, An Awesome Intelligence”, tells you all you need to know about ending the estrangement between you and your body. Let me guess, you don’t know what I’m talking about when I say “estrangement”, especially when I am referring to you and your body, do you?

Estrangement is all about separation. Your body and you, your physical self and your personality self. Your body and you, your physical self and your intellectual self. And lastly, your physical self and your spiritual self. When all aspects of you are united, you will discover your life becomes easier, you are focused, you are successful, and you are happy!

When you end your estrangement between you, all the parts of you, and your body through the practice of Body Knowledge System, all the benefits of body knowledge become yours!

So what can you do in this moment? See and acknowledge ‘your body’ as a separate entity. This will help you to recognize her (even though we know we are whole- mind, body, spirit). So what can you do for ‘her’ … for your body today and tomorrow?

Share your thoughts with me.
