
"Your body is not the enemy."

Who’s Your BFF? Ask Your Body! The Benefits of Buddies


A recent study by Michigan State University of 271,000 people of various ages found that investing in your friendships pays large dividends in your health, wellbeing, and long-term future.

Those of us who practice the Body Knowledge System® understand the benefit of one very special buddy, our body.

She knows us better than anyone else on the planet, including our spouse, mother, father, twin sister, brother or son or daughter. She’s been with us since our first breath and will be with us until our last breath. She supports us, not only physically, but emotionally and psychologically. And best of all, she’s available to us 24/7/365.

Now that’s a BFF!

So, when was the last time you acknowledged her as your BFF? If the answer is “never”, it’s not too late to create that relationship.

Actually, it’s never too late.

But why wait? When the sooner you become reacquainted, the sooner you’ll enjoy the benefits of the relationship!

Contact Coach Stephanie to take your first step to becoming the BFF to your body!

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