
"Your body is not the enemy."

What You Eat is WHAT You Are, right?


Actually, “What You Ate” is the title of a new book by historian, Laura Shapiro.  She quotes philosopher-gourmand Brillat-Savarin in her introduction, “Tell me what you eat, and I shall tell you what you are” as the impetus of her examining the foods, preparations, and environment of 6 women of history. Writers, and activists, and one famous mistress are the subject matter of her examination of these women and how their behavior around food reflected their lives.

She continues with her intense desire to ask them about their relationship to the food they chose when shopping, consumed, prepared, and the reasons behind their choices. What purpose did it serve them to make the selections they did and what were the results of those choices? Did the outcome justify the efforts they put into the process, if not, then why not?

The three (of the six) most famous women were Hitler’s mistress, Eva Braun, FDR’s spouse, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Helen Gurley Brown, revolutionary editor of Cosmopolitan.

So what does this have to do with modern women and our relationship to food and what that says about us?

Absolutely NOTHING!

Since this is an examination of diseased women from a bygone era, the subject matter begs a more modern treatment as our obsession with food and how we relate to it has increased over the years. Until that study is done officially, we have a wonderful resource available to us today: our own body.

One theme remains current: except for professional chefs, food remains the province of women. What we choose for ourselves, our families, and why.

The amount of time we spend daily on and around food: selection, preparation, service, clean up, planning for the next meal far exceeds any other preoccupation.

With that in mind, we can save time, effort, and any future recriminations when we consult our body prior to making any choice surrounding food.

Using the tools of the Body Knowledge System® we accomplish everything we need to know in a fast, efficient conversation with our body.


Contact Coach Stephanie now!


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