
"You are allowed to disagree with your body."

Skinny Jeans for Curvy Women are here!


While thumbing through by USA Today last week, I found a link to a Lane Bryant commercial announcing Skinny Jeans for their customers. Hmmm, I thought Lane Bryant catered to plus size persons, so where do “skinny jeans” fit into this picture?

So I checked out the ads on Utube and was thrilled to see women of all shapes and sizes rockin’ and rolling to some original background music that fit the celebration they experienced wearing “skinny jeans” designed especially for them!

Because Body Confidence is the new skinny, every woman can wear “skinny jeans” with pride. No longer reserved for the size “0”s, thanks to new clothing lines with designers, fabrics, and manufacturers embracing the reality of today’s modern woman.

Lane Bryant Super Stretch Skinny Jean TV Commercial, ‘New Skinny …

And since when is a size 14 a plus size?

Marilyn Monroe was a size 14 at the top of her popularity a few decades ago, and today it’s the size most American women wear, so how did “average” become “plus”?

It’s time to push back against those who try to make us ashamed of our now “plus” size bodies, with body confidence there’s just more of us to love!

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