
"Be yourself with your body; remember your body is your personal barometer."

Resolution Regret?


Regret Your New Years’ Resolutions, yet?

Studies indicate more than 80% of those who make New Years’ resolutions ignore them less than a week after making them. So you are not alone.

Regret is a negative emotion, producing negative energy and therefore stands in the way of your progress toward your goals.

It’s a little over one week, 8 days, since you made your New Years’ resolutions to:

Check One or more:

-Lose Weight

-Increase Exercise

-Sleep More

-Bitch less

-Be Mindful by the minute…

Body Knowledge System® has no room for regrets, or resolutions, as the system practices progress for all who use it.

Resolutions are simply a promise to yourself to accomplish a goal. When you’re in constant touch with your BFF, your body, both of you get there faster. So, there’s no need to make a big deal of making one or more “resolutions.” You are, in fact, living your resolutions in every thing you do, every day.

Body Knowledge practitioners renew their resolutions daily whenever they practice their dance, or dance their practice. Because their practice establishes a direct line of communication with their bodies, there is no need to make an issue of body confidence.

Body confidence is a direct result of the Body Knowledge System®. Stay tuned to Thursday’s post for more information.

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