
"Dance is the hidden language of the Soul."

Prime Time Body Confidence on Project Runway!


We who practice the Body Knowledge System® celebrate our most recent media win!

Body Confidence has made its way to Prime Time! After 18 years catering to the media pressure to shame any of us who are not runway models, this popular show has accepted the reality of women’s bodies; beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and there are talented, creative designers willing to enhance their acceptance in today’s society.

This season of the popular Lifetime cable show acknowledges there is more to being attractive than a small clothing size on an undernourished body! The familiar faces return to host the fashion competition, but this years’ design challenge requires creating attractive clothing for a wide range of women’s sizes, from size 0 to size 22.

No longer restricted to the undersized, genetically gifted women and young adults who are ideal clothes hangers for manufacturers’ sales numbers, the competitors will design for real women’s bodies.  When taken from the runway to the funway of everyday life, the consumer realized she didn’t look the same as the woman who modeled the dress, suit, or pants.

Those size 12, 14,16,18, 20 and 22 models will have the body confidence necessary to successfully model those custom designs in front of a nationally televised audience. When walking the runway, they practice the body knowledge system with the body confidence their way, the FUNWAY!

Project Runway is now Project Funway:

Body Confidence for All!
