
"As we recognize our body's intelligence and wisdom, we are in integrity."

It’s a hormonal imbalance, right?


Yes! The circumstances around the levels of your appetite are less important than the effect your environment on your hormones. Another fun segment on GMA last week about natural metabolism regulators available to all of us when we pay attention to our bodies.

According to Dr. Jen Ashton, MD there are hormones that control your feelings of hunger or fullness. Your body sends signals to your mind about your need to eat, and then when to stop eating. They are known as the “hunger hormones.”

1.  The hormone Ghrelin increases appetite and therefore plays a role in body weight.

2.  Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells and decreases your appetite giving you that “full” feeling.

So how do you reduce Ghrelin levels to lose weight?

1.  Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night.

2.  Eat animal protein at every meal

3.  Increase Omega-3

4.  Reduce stress. …

5.  Eat High Fiber Foods to fill up your stomach …

Check in on Thursday for the other half of the hunger hormone equation!  Oh, and don’t forget, the Body Knowledge System® brings the balance back!

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